360 Real Time
Business Banking Online1 offers a fast,easy and convenient way for you to manage your clients’ accounts. Its functionality includes:
- View, export and print abilities for 14 months of transaction history
- Consolidating balance reporting
- Audit reporting of all user activity
- Real-time payments
For GBST1 users, enjoy the convenience of integration with GBST Real Time CMT Interface™. This capability allows you to communicate up-to-the-minute information to your clients and take advantage of investment opportunities in real time.
- Real-time funds transfers between Brokers and Providers
- Real-time funds reservation
- Real-time enquiries on account balances, transactions and clients' account details
- Automated messaging functionality integrated into GBST Shares™
You can also access client account summaries at a glance through Bank of Melbourne’s External Platform Interface1.
Bank of Melbourne’s integration capability into leading Portfolio Management software, enables you to transfer client data into your own systems and view up-to-date information, quickly and easily.
The Detail
1 Separate terms and conditions apply.